Programmes and investments in dual technologies for UAVs


The full name of the study is “Programmes and investments in dual technologies for UAVs in the world”.

A continuación, expóñense as diferentes partes que o compoñen, así como información de interese sobre o estudo.


The organisation selected to conduct the study was Advanced Center for Aerospace Technologies (CATEC), whose website is

CATEC is currently the leading national technology centre in the development of technologies for civil UAS. It has more than 15 years of experience and has more than 60 people (out of a staff of more than 100) dedicated to UAS technology development. In addition, it has more than 90 publications in international journals and conferences on UAS, and 5 patents related to autonomous aerial systems.

CATEC was created in 2008 and since then it has been carrying out important research and development work in technologies related to the aerospace sector, having participated in more than 100 R&D&I projects. The Centre’s facilities consist of a 4,500 m2 building in Seville (3,000 m2 of laboratories and workshops, and 1,500 m2 of offices), offices in Santiago de Compostela and two flight centres in Jaén.

CATEC’s Avionics and Systems department will be involved in this project and has extensive experience in the following lines of research and development in relation to unmanned aerial systems (UAS/RPAS): avionics and on-board systems, optronics and sensors, integral applications with UAS, multi-vehicle systems, and intelligent guidance, navigation and control. CATEC also collaborates with the main European research centres and universities: Cranfield University, NLR, DLR, CNRS, Univ. Twente, ETHz, etc. At a national level, CATEC has participated in more than 150 UAS projects collaborating with all the main companies in Spain related to the UAS sector and with more than 60 SMEs throughout Spain.

Research Team

The research team is made up of people with high excellence and great experience in the sector. Specifically, the members who will participate in this project are the following:

Antidio Viguria Jiménez – Telecommunications Engineer

Telecommunications Engineer from the University of Seville, he holds an M.S.E.C.E. (Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering) from Georgia Institute of Technology (funded by a Fulbright scholarship) and a PhD in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Seville. Since the end of 2008 he has been linked to the CATEC technology centre, holding different positions, and being since 2019 its Technical Director in Avionics and Systems. During this time he has been the principal investigator of more than 80 national research projects and contracts and has participated in more than 25 European projects related to unmanned aerial systems (including Defence projects such as FCAS and EDF). He currently manages a team of more than 70 people (including engineers, researchers and technicians) and has worked directly on technological development projects with the main companies in the sector such as: INDRA, Airbus, GMV, Deimos, Avincis, Telespazio, Vodafone, among others.

Francisco Javier Garrido Hernández –Aeronautical Engineer

Master in Aeronautics from Cranfield University and Aeronautical Engineer from the University of Seville. He is currently a Senior Engineer at CATEC, involved in the development of advanced autonomous navigation systems for UAS. He has several years of experience in the development of systems for the safe integration of UAS in airspace. He has also participated in several R&D projects (both national and European) related to UAS and drones such as PILOTING, AMU-LED, ASSISTANCE, IMOV3D, etc.

Juan José Calvente Plaza – Telecommunications Engineer

Telecommunications Engineer from the School of Engineering of the University of Seville.

He has complemented his training with a Master's Degree in Electronics and Communications from the University of Seville and with the Management Development Programme (PPD) at San Telmo Business School.

He is currently Director of the Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Area at AERTEC, where, as head of operations, he is responsible for the development and production of the TARSIS-25, TARSIS-75, TARSIS-ISR and TARSIS-W programmes, fixed-wing unmanned aerial platforms of different sizes and performance. It is also responsible for the development of ground segment systems, on-board systems such as Autopilot, Electrical Power Management System, Flight Data Recording System (FDR) or the Flight Termination System (FTS) as well as the development of a Hardware in the Loop (HIL) Simulation System oriented to pilot and operator training.

Rafael E. Márquez Jiménez – Telecommunications Engineer

Telecommunications Engineer from the School of Engineering of the University of Seville, Master's Degree in Integrated Project Management from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Management Development Programme (PPD) at San Telmo Business School and University Expert in Financial Assets from the UNED.

Currently, as Business Development Manager of the Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems area at AERTEC, he is responsible, among other activities, for identifying operational needs and establishing long-term commercial relationships with private companies in the aerospace sector or institutions such as Ministries of Defence, the European Defence Agency (EDA) or the European Space Programme Development Agency (EUSPA).

Study Summary

In the context of the rapid evolution of UAVs, this study focuses on investigating programmes and investments in dual technologies, those with both civil and military applications, to drive sustainable development and innovation in this sector. The following key areas are explored:

  • A review of the most important programmes of the main players in the UAV industry (both governmental and private).
  • An assessment of the main developments in dual UAV technologies, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, batteries, new aircraft configurations, etc.
  • A comparison of investments in dual UAV technologies in different regions of the world, and an analysis of emerging patterns and trends.
  • An assessment of government policies and regulations that drive or constrain investment in dual UAV technologies.
  • A discussion of the ethical and legal challenges that arise when using dual technologies in UAVs.

This comprehensive analysis seeks to provide an depth view of the convergence between military and civilian applications of UAVs, highlighting the importance of strategic programmes and investments to drive technological progress and ensure benefits in both the military and civilian domains.

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